Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the most popular coding editors among developers and web designers. It’s a user-friendly yet powerful tool that’s suitable for both beginners and advanced users alike.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 is the latest incarnation of this all powerful web design program and doesn’t include big changes but rather many minor improvements that make your daily coding faster and easier. This new version of Adobe Dreamweaver includes new features such as Fluid Grid Layout, Improved FTP performance, Adobe Business Catalyst integration, Enhanced jQuery Mobile support, Updated PhoneGap support and more.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 is the latest incarnation of this all powerful web design program and doesn’t include big changes but rather many minor improvements that make your daily coding faster and easier. This new version of Adobe Dreamweaver includes new features such as Fluid Grid Layout, Improved FTP performance, Adobe Business Catalyst integration, Enhanced jQuery Mobile support, Updated PhoneGap support and more.